Convention Fun – Day 1

So today was day on of Anime Revolution in Vancouver. This is the first convention I’ve ever been to so I didn’t dress up, just did some cool makeup, but I got there and saw everyone in their amazing costumes…. I wanted to hug everyone! Ugh, they looked SO DAME CUTE!!!

I only took about 60 pictures today, but there were some awesome cos-plays there. By far my favorite would have to be the girl dressed as the Ruby from Rooster Teeth‘s RWBY. Here she is:Image


Pretty awesome eh? Yeah, I thought so!

Anyways. It’s 2 am and I’m exhausted. I wish I had the energy to write more but I have to be up in 5 hours for day 2 and try to not pass out before the rave!!!

Sorry this post wasn’t at all amusing. I hope you still love me. I promise better posts when it’s not late and I’m not tired and when I don’t have to be up in 5 hours!